There have been no blog posts for a while now, and lest you think that means I haven't been working out, let me set the record straight. I've been working out like a fiend still, though I've lost my appetite for logging workouts (my appetite for food remains ferocious). Last week I completed a 12 mile run and did a 65 mile group ride that zoomed down the LIE service road at a frightening 22+ mph. I even scored myself some sweet bike glove sun burn lines (no picture, sorry).
No, the reason for my long absence on the blog is the girlfriend. The thing is, I have to use the girlfriend's computer to bring you these lovely little tales each week. She, however, has been selfishly hogging all the computer time in her quest to finish her thesis and graduate with a degree in less than a month.
At least it will be over soon. Which means I can post here more often and, much more importantly, I won't have to do all the dishes around this place!!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Monday, April 02, 2007
Somewhat disturbing side effects of long runs

1. Willingness to jump into a cold bath. I discussed this new habit last week, but I have a picture to add this week! I can't actually say that the fleece and the hat make me any warmer but it helps with the psychological pain of these baths.
2. Relentless hunger. I'm actually somewhat nauseous immediately after a long run but the next day -- watch out food, here I come!
3. I'm all alone! The girlfriend was running with me till I topped the 7 mile mark. After that she bailed. I thought this was a pretty reasonable decision on her part given that her only workouts were these long runs once a week, but I miss the company after 60 minutes.
4. Unusual scabs. The most alarming one is on my sternum where the bottom of my sports bra rubs against my skin. Initially I tried putting Body Guide and/or Vaseline on, but after 8 miles or so it still hurts. Now it's just a little scab :(
5. Impending death of my toe nail. This is disgusting, so avert your eyes if you are faint of heart. I think I'm going to lose the nail on my big toe. Yesterday after my run I took off my sneakers and noticed the nail on my right big toe was rather dark. I pushed on it and it did NOT feed good. I even had to keep it out of my ice bath because it felt really uncomfortable under water. Today is no better, so I'm preparing for the worst -- this sucker is going to fall off, I just know it.
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