Monday, April 02, 2007

Somewhat disturbing side effects of long runs

Yesterday I ran 10 miles -- hallelujah!! I'm only 3.2 miles away from half ironman glory. That's nothing! However, I must admit that these long runs are exacting a tole on my body in ways I never expected:

1. Willingness to jump into a cold bath. I discussed this new habit last week, but I have a picture to add this week! I can't actually say that the fleece and the hat make me any warmer but it helps with the psychological pain of these baths.

2. Relentless hunger
. I'm actually somewhat nauseous immediately after a long run but the next day -- watch out food, here I come!

3. I'm all alone!
The girlfriend was running with me till I topped the 7 mile mark. After that she bailed. I thought this was a pretty reasonable decision on her part given that her only workouts were these long runs once a week, but I miss the company after 60 minutes.

4. Unusual scabs
. The most alarming one is on my sternum where the bottom of my sports bra rubs against my skin. Initially I tried putting Body Guide and/or Vaseline on, but after 8 miles or so it still hurts. Now it's just a little scab :(

5. Impending death of my toe nail
. This is disgusting, so avert your eyes if you are faint of heart. I think I'm going to lose the nail on my big toe. Yesterday after my run I took off my sneakers and noticed the nail on my right big toe was rather dark. I pushed on it and it did NOT feed good. I even had to keep it out of my ice bath because it felt really uncomfortable under water. Today is no better, so I'm preparing for the worst -- this sucker is going to fall off, I just know it.

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