Mind you, this was my first century ride ever. Despite the fact that my eyes were bloodshot and I opted for the subway over riding back from the finish on Sunday, I felt like a modern day, real world Super Woman.
My bike may be "cheap" by road bike standards, but Rocinante and I have officially gone the distance. Just as I was sentimental about the junker mini van I learned to drive on, Rocinante will always hold a special place in my heart, long after I've run him completely into the ground.
Out of pure curiosity I had to figure out how far 175 miles could take me if I'd ridden them straight. In fact, the distance from NYC to Boston is not much further. My muscles may be stiff and sore, and my rear my have suffered irreversible damage, but the pain only deepens the sense of accomplishment. Nothing like extreme discomfort to let you know that you're definitely alive!
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