But now, the race is done! That's right, I'm half iron. Which begs the question, what's the other half of me made of? During the second loop of my 13.1 mile run, I was contemplating that very question. At that point I knew I was going to finish (not something I was totally convinced of during the entire race), it was just a matter of how fast. The first answer to that question? Hostess cupcakes!! I immediately became nauseated and pushed the thought aside, moving on to some other diversionary line of thinking. When the race was done and I was sitting waiting for my free massage sporting my moose antlers, I thought "pain! the other half is pain!"
The pain has subsided and now I wonder, is the other half of me made of perseverance or tenacity, or just sheer stupidity? (This is a rhetorical question, thank you.)
Given that it's getting kind of late, I'll leave off my full race report for later. For now, here's some eye candy from the race.
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