Wednesday, November 01, 2006

My Halloween costume

Last night, as little ghosts and ghouls hit up the stores in my neighborhood for sweets, I was rocking my fab Halloween costume in the gym. Okay, so maybe I can't really call my workout clothes a costume. I can't help but wonder if my dedication has reached some new obsessive level. Recently I've also been trying to convince the girlfriend that we should do a 5k in Central Park at midnight on New Year's, which incidentally, is also my birthday.

Before I started getting too worried about my addiction to triathlon last night, I looked around the gym at all the other obsessives. I was working out at the Columbia University gym, so I definitely expected it to be totally empty. Instead, it was packed! Well, not as packed as I've seen it before, but I had to wait to get on almost every machine.

On another note, for anyone worried about my inability to get out of bed, have no fear, I've risen to the challenge! I've been yanking myself out of bed early a few times a week now -- and I'm not even on my training plan yet.

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