Monday, December 04, 2006

More equipment failure

While this equipment failure isn't nearly as outrageous as my bike gloves, I still find it noteworthy. Perhaps rules of etiquette dictate that one should not put a picture of one's used sports bra on a web site for the world to see. But, all rules were meant to be broken.

So this picture is basically just the back of my extremely tired and worn out Moving Comfort Fiona Bra. I put a lot of miles on this thing, so I am certainly not disappointed in its performance. Yes, that unusual color on the clasps is rust. That's what happens when you swim repeatedly in salt water in a bra with metal clasps. And if you're eyes are extremely well trained (sorry the picture's a little blurry but I didn't have the patience to take another) you'll notice the bottom bracket is broken. I think I can safely say I used this thing to the end of its life.

While the title of this post is "equipment failure", I can't help but say that this bra is a miracle. I had resorted to always wearing three "sports" bras for running when I met this beauty. The fact that it was introduced to me by a salesMAN in the Boulder Fleet Feet, is no less miraculous.

The angst I hold in this case is for the stores of New York City. This bra is already expensive - $40 - without having to pay for shipping after ordering it online. I couldn't find this bra after questioning countless salesman in sporting goods and running stores. Not one of the buyers for these stores seem to think that women with anything over a B cup like to run. In a city large enough to find a market for just about every hair-brained product ever created, something so simple as a sports bra for C and D cup women is impossible to find??

Ok, I feel better now...

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