Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Another Endurance Sport

If my parents are to be trusted, I've been swimming longer than I've been talking. And I suppose I've been running since I learned to walk. Cycling I've taken up later in life, but my devotion to the activity has raised more than one eyebrow. Today I add another commitment to the list. Some may call it a hobby; some may call it enslavement or self torture; I call it my shiny, new blog!!

Rocinante, my valiant steed of a bicycle, just got the triple bypass of bicycle maintanence and returned to me in spunky style today. A new chain, a new set of cogs, a new rear tire and a shiny (if not entirely new) drivetrain.

We cruised home together from the bikeshop - I sweating in my colored shirt and dress pants, Rocinante gliding over potholes and threatening glass shards. The blissed out smile reached my lips and I laughed out loud.

God, I love this bike.

So Rocinante, this blog's for you baby!

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