Thursday, October 12, 2006

My new favorite website:

Car parked in the bike lane, forcing you to swerve into traffic? Take a picture of it, note the license plate and add it to I love this focus on riding over the past year has forced me out into the streets of New York where it's an every road user for himself free for all. When you're up against huge trucks and erratic cars and taxis, it's no secret that the cyclist has to be on constant alert.

The answer: take the bike lane, right? I try to take the bike lanes wherever possible, but more often than not, cars just see this as extra parking space in NYC. Of late, I've taken to 'reminding' people that they are in fact in the bike lane, not a parking spot as I cruise by. From the 125th St stop on the Metro North to my apartment in West Harlem I probably reprimanded about 20 cars parked in the St. Nicholas bike lane.

This site is probably going to be my new best friend. Makes me wish I had a camera phone!

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