Monday, October 02, 2006

Beautiful, tough ride

The girlfriend and I paid my parents a visit this past weekend up in the Finger Lakes region of New York, taking our bikes with us. The ride was beautiful, though the weather was decidedly less so. The first hour sped by with an average cruising speed of over 20mph! We were passing those tractors and buggies (horse and buggy is as common a means of transit as car on some of the roads up here) left and right!

As soon as we turned onto Route 14, which traces the west side of Seneca Lake, things got a bit more challenging.

20 mph gusts of wind blowing due north and bikes pointing due south on a slight incline, does not a happy joy ride make. And then it had to get a little worse, with a slight, constant drizzle beating down on us. Suddenly, the 20mph speed plummeted to 12 or 13. Fortunately, we were able to make some pit stops at a few wineries along the way. The wine tastings added some much needed warmth to our ride!

Note to self: check the weather before deciding to go for an "easy" ride.

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